Twilight Thoughts

I think that many artists come up with thoughts for painting ideas on monumental scales, but not necessarily meaning large. Just incredibly interesting ideas to explore, with a plethora of visions in the head, for which you only hope you can possibly live long enough to attempt the half of them. It can sometimes appear painful, but it is certainly not a tragedy. I keep them in the back of my mind, knowing that they are taking on different forms, and I will pull them out of the pot once I can. Some images of places and things mark me for life, and I never need or want a camera, though I use one also sometimes for sentimental reasons, show my family where I am, etc. Making a painting of something, instead, is a special thing indeed, even if it happens for a few minutes. An artist like me gets taken over by color, light, the elements in a way that kids go dancing in the rain. You get cold without knowing it, but goodness is it fun for the brain and heart. And also great exhilaration if you can get to home safe before the real world sinks in.

Here are a few more of my most recent paint sketches. These are between 20 x 30 cm and 30 x 40 cm, and though I would love to spend more time with some of them, the “landscape” changes, so I do what I can in the time I have. I like how it causes me to be even more efficient with color mixing, as I feel more accurate each time with the exercize.

6 thoughts on “Twilight Thoughts

  1. Your subject matter is intimate. The use of color only brings the viewer closer.
    I feel as though I just had a dance with you and I’m in love!
    Your art has my heart filled with love! Thank you!

  2. Hi Rahina, thank you for your remarks. Nothing ever really repeats itself in the pictorial world, even if they are the same blankets and sheets. I look at the bed every morning and absorb its new formations as inspiration for late afternoon painting. I try to keep a careful balance between my love of light and of color, which is not always easy. I do always approach greys as not greys, but subdued color notes.

  3. William, what a gorgeous reaction! Painting for me is a kind of love affair, being smitten entirely about the lot of it, but also of every detail. Glad to hear that this rubs off!

  4. I just found your blog via Facebook. Was so struck by the self-portrait — it’s contralumiere and the beautiful flowers of the blouse, the pose, straightforwardness of your gaze outward. Also the directness and simplicity in these interiors is very moving somehow — a celebration of living. They have so much immediacy, the air seems to vibrate. Yes, one can sense that you are smitten with the seeing.

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